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Khaloo Mirza Lodge

Traditional hotel in the vicinity of the fence that mirza khaloo Khajeh nasir Tusi oddinten gbran (old name aghda) located behind the gate of a House and four Iranian traditional architecture and dating back to the era of Patriarch looks.This is according to KH Mirza Khan and one of the elders is the aghda is attributed. The space of the House includes a vestibule, Hall, Evan, room andmtabkh. restoration and revival of the building with the efforts of a group of Iranian youth and the land of October began the year 1389 and hope this is the beginning for spontaneous movement of the restoration of the historical context and treasured aqdegah.  Each room is colored green, old and colorful fabrics blue and red and. .. In the middle of each room is a traditional rear seat and surrounding the inner rooms of the old rugs; and the role and niche each room filled with old utensils and dishes.

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