Arqavan Hotel
When you book the Arqavan Hotel in Mashhad, you are guaranteed a stay in one of the newest 5-star hotels in the city. This hotel, operational since 2022, is in a 13-story building and offers 107 accommodation units. The hotel features standard single, double, and deluxe rooms and one and two-bedroom suites for three and five people. With a five-star rating, the Arghavan Hotel provides a variety of facilities and services for its guests. These include a coffee shop with a capacity of 40 people and an exclusive restaurant that can accommodate 200 people. Additionally, the hotel offers a conference hall, amphitheater hall, meeting hall, business meeting room, and wedding hall. The reservation price for the Arqavan Hotel in Mashhad varies based on the room type. It's worth noting that the hotel is conveniently located just a 5-minute drive away from the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza.